
Showing 25981–26000 of 26018 results

  • Sale!

    Wooden Boats

    Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.99.

    There is something beautiful and nostalgic about wooden boats. These exquisite, polished works of art give us a glimpse into the past, a time when technology wasnt so advanced, a time when everything was crafted by hand. These magnificent vessels deserve our attention and our utmost respect. As beautiful as these boats may be, they…

  • Sale!

    Workboat Engineer & Oiler: Book 1 (BK-107-1)

    Original price was: $92.99.Current price is: $46.50.

    Workboat Engineer and Oiler,Revised Edition E, now comes in five volumes and is coil bound for ease of use. This series of books also contains study material for theNationalRating endorsement for Oiler. This series of books can help every limited-tonnage Engineer Officer candidate and/or Oiler rating to prepare for his/her National USCG professional exam leading…

  • Sale!

    Workboat Engineer & Oiler: Book 2 (BK-107-2)

    Original price was: $127.99.Current price is: $64.00.

    Workboat Engineer and Oiler,Revised Edition E, now comes in five volumes and is coil bound for ease of use. This series of books also contains study material for theNationalRating endorsement for Oiler. This series of books can help every limited-tonnage Engineer Officer candidate and/or Oiler rating to prepare for his/her National USCG professional exam leading…

  • Sale!

    Workboat Engineer & Oiler: Book 3 (BK-107-3)

    Original price was: $117.99.Current price is: $59.00.

    Workboat Engineer and Oiler,Revised Edition E, now comes in five volumes and is coil bound for ease of use. This series of books also contains study material for theNationalRating endorsement for Oiler. This series of books can help every limited-tonnage Engineer Officer candidate and/or Oiler rating to prepare for his/her National USCG professional exam leading…

  • Sale!

    Workboat Engineer & Oiler: Book 4 (BK-107-4)

    Original price was: $122.99.Current price is: $61.50.

    Workboat Engineer and Oiler,Revised Edition E, now comes in five volumes and is coil bound for ease of use. This series of books also contains study material for theNationalRating endorsement for Oiler. This series of books can help every limited-tonnage Engineer Officer candidate and/or Oiler rating to prepare for his/her National USCG professional exam leading…

  • Sale!

    Workboat Engineer & Oiler: Book 5 (BK-107-5)

    Original price was: $96.99.Current price is: $48.50.

    Workboat Engineer and Oiler,Revised Edition E, now comes in five volumes and is coil bound for ease of use. This series of books also contains study material for theNationalRating endorsement for Oiler. This series of books can help every limited-tonnage Engineer Officer candidate and/or Oiler rating to prepare for his/her National USCG professional exam leading…

  • Sale!

    Worked Examples in Relative Radar Plotting, 2nd Edition

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.

    Bibliographic Notes The first edition of this book was compiled, primarily, in response to requests from candidates for the DoT Radar Observer and First Mate Examinations. It illustrated, with full instructions, the whole range of plotting requirements likely to be encountered by these students. The author has received congratulations and thanks from cadets and senior…

  • Sale!

    World Cruising Destinations, 3rd Edition

    Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $35.00.

    A comprehensive cruising guide to every cruising destination in the world This substantial handbook contains information on all maritime nations of the world with details of local attractions, charter opportunities, formalities, facilities, useful websites and cruising guides. This book is not only a must-have onboard reference manual for long distance sailors, but will undoubtedly inspire…

  • Sale!

    World Political Map

    Original price was: $55.99.Current price is: $28.00.

    A world political map, showing the countries of the world and their political details. The map includes: inset maps of Central Europe and the Caribbean all country abbreviations latitude and longitude graticules the Equator Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer International Date Line Full colour laminated map in size A3

  • Sale!

    World Port Index Pub. 150, 27th Edition 2019

    Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $26.39.

    The Twenty-Sixth Edition of Pub 150, World Port Index, cancels the previous edition of Pub 150. This publication gives the location, characteristics, known facilities, and available services of a great many ports and shipping facilities and oil terminals throughout the world. The selection of these places is based on criteria established by this Agency. They…

  • Sale!

    World Voyage Planner, 3rd Edition

    Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $35.00.

    This extensive guide deals with all the elements that ensure a successful voyage by providing practical advice for would-be voyagers. Essential aspects of preparations for an offshore voyage are based on the authors personal experience gained both from their own voyages and the worldwide sailing rallies they have organised over the years. The current third…

  • Sale!

    Wyoming State Flag

    Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $17.59.

    Made from 100% SolarGuard Nylon, America’s No. 1 choice for Flags. Heading is sturdy duck with strong brass grommets. Durable and fast-drying, the dyed design conforms to official state specifications. Available in multiple sizes. The new Utah beehive state flag goes into effect on March 9, 2024.

  • Sale!

    Yacht Crewing

    Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.79.

    A racing yacht can be a daunting place for an inexperienced crew. Yacht Crewing explains, with the help of detailed photo series, exactly how to perform all the crew’s tasks–safely, smartly, and fast. The book also describes what is expected of the crew at each stage of a race, and what is involved when living on…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Organiser Brush System

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.

    Yacht Organiser Brush Systems are compatible with 6 10″ Shurhold and Swobbit Brushes. Designed to allow you to place Shurhold and Swobbitbrush heads where ever they are most needed on board your yacht, whilst allowing the brush head to dry and preventing the potential build up of mildew. The Yacht Organiser System uses a 3M…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Organiser Chamois System

    Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $34.39.

    Yacht Organiser Chamois Holders are compatible with theLarge Absorber Miracle Chamois. The Yacht Organiser System uses a 3M VBH tape which provides excellent resistance to humid and damp environments in temperatures of up to +93 celsius. This guarantees your equipment will remain secure.Peel and Stick installation is quick and easy, however its vital you follow…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Organiser Deck Squeegee System

    Original price was: $46.99.Current price is: $37.59.

    Yacht Organiser Deck Blade System is designed to be compatible with the standard deck squeegees used within the superyachting industry. It has a 30mm hole to accomodate the neck of the squeegee. Please check the diameter of your squeegee before purchasing this holder. The Yacht Organiser System uses a 3M VBH tape which provides excellent…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Organiser Mitt System

    Original price was: $46.99.Current price is: $37.59.

    Yacht Organiser Mitt Holders are compatible with most mitts availableon the market. Simple design to eliminate the need for a bucket full of damp mitts. The Yacht Organiser System uses a 3M VBH tape which provides excellent resistance to humid and damp environments in temperatures of up to +93 celsius. This guarantees your equipment will…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Organiser Water Blade System

    Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $34.39.

    Yacht Organiser Water Blade Holders are compatible with Shurhold Flexible Water Blades, Swobbit Water Blades and One Pass Waterblades. The Yacht Organiser System uses a 3M VBH tape which provides excellent resistance to humid and damp environments in temperatures of up to +93 celsius. This guarantees your cleaning equipment will remain secure.”Peel & Stick” installation…

  • Sale!

    Yacht Skipper

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

    Yacht Skipper is packed with highly practical, detailed information based on the ‘Yeoman method’. It describes how a good skipper chooses and organizes a crew, and the techniques and helming skills needed on each point of sailing. Other topics covered are modern sailing aids, night sailing, and offshore strategy.

  • Sale!

    Yachting Signal Book

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.39.

     The Yachting Signal Book provides a universal code of signals for the recreational boater. Its particular emphasis is on encoding and decoding flags and radio signals to relay messages between vessels individually or in group formation. Included are such topics as the techniques of signalling, protocols of flag usage, and maneuvering instructions for racing and…