21st Century Seamanship, 1st Edition 2015
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The book to get you through your exams and a reference for the rest of your career! This 1,200 page, full colour publication takes the traditional values of centuries of good seamanship and blends them with todays reality. It is essential reading for seafarers at every level, covering ship types, handling and stability, onboard procedures and equipment, regulations, emergency response, and much more.
A career at sea or in a marine-related business requires amassing a terrific volume of knowledge and the art and practice of seamanship is perhaps one of the most encyclopaedic job descriptions there is. Many modern day seafarers will hear talk of days gone by when no self-respecting Chief Officer would be without his Seamanship Manual. In recent decades, shipping seems to have moved at a tremendous pace and the need for a new up-to-date manual which captures such a broad scope in a single publication that appeals to the forward thinking seafarer is needed. This is exactly where this book, which has been ten years in the making, positions itself a manual for the modern day seafarer in the 21st Century.
Chapter 1General Cargo Ship Types
Chapter 2Tankers
Chapter 3Other Ship Types
Chapter 4Offshore Marine Operations
Chapter 5Machinery and Equipment
Chapter 6Pilotage
Chapter 7Shiphandling
Chapter 8Anchorwork
Chapter 9Tugs and Towing
Chapter 10Mooring Operations and Safety
Chapter 11Waterways, River Transits and Canals
Chapter 12Preparing a Ship for Ice
Chapter 13Non-Standard Operations
Chapter 14Stood by New Builds
Chapter 15Paints and Coatings
Chapter 16Drydock
Chapter 17Lay-up of Ships
Chapter 18Heavy Weather
Chapter 19Participating in SAR
Chapter 20Oil Spills/Pollution
Chapter 21Practical Aspects of Salvage
Chapter 22Main Conventions and Codes
Chapter 23Recent Regulations
Chapter 24Certification and Endorsements
Chapter 25Business and Chartering
Chapter 26Conflict and Issues Affecting Shipping
Chapter 27Fines for Ships and Ships Staff
Chapter 28In Port and Alongside
Chapter 29Shipboard Inspections
Chapter 30Surveys and Classification
Chapter 31Systems of Work
Chapter 32Permit to Work
Chapter 33Enclosed Space Entry
Chapter 34Health
Chapter 35Housekeeping on Board
Chapter 36Ships Equipment and Maintenance
Chapter 37Lifeboat Release Mechanisms
Chapter 38Fire Fighting
Chapter 39Shipboard Drills
Chapter 40Accident Investigation
Chapter 41Stability
Chapter 42Damage Stability
Chapter 43Hull Monitoring and Inspection
Chapter 44Energy Efficiency
Chapter 45Ship Recycling
Chapter 46Traditional Seamanship
Chapter 47Wires, Ropes, Chains, Shackles & Slings
Chapter 48Cranes and Lifting Equipment
Chapter 49Checklists
Chapter 50Tsunamis and Marine Phenomena
This book has taken ten years to prepare and, as a few have commented, it was probably in the planning long before then, whether I realised it or not.
A career at sea or in a marine-related business requires amassing a terrific volume of knowledge and the art and practice of seamanship is perhaps one of the most encyclopaedic job descriptions there is.
When I went to sea, almost 30 years ago, many would talk of days gone by when no self-respecting Chief Officer would be without his Seamanship Manual, and when I was about 12 or 13, I remember still the day my own father gave me his copy of ‘The Boatswain’s Manual’. In recent decades, shipping seems to have moved at a tremendous pace and it left me wondering whether it was possible to capture such a broad scope in a single publication that appeals to the forward thinking seafarer. This is exactly where this book positions itself – a manual for the modern day seafarer in the 21st Century.
This publication takes the traditional values of centuries of good seamanship and blends them with today’s reality and it seems appropriate that it is first published in our company’s 275th year.
By its very nature, this book is exceptionally broad in its scope and further detailed study of the topics covered in this book is available in the 600+ publications Witherbys has in print today. However, in owning this book, you have shown that you want to know and understand more about your industry, an industry that quietly keeps the world moving, carries over 90% of world trade and is set to almost double in volume over the next 20 years.
I wish you every success in your endeavours and always a safe voyage.
Iain Macneil, Managing Director, Witherby Publishing Group
The term ‘seamanship’ is much misunderstood by those who are not required to practise the art. Seamanship is also hard to define succinctly as the breadth of knowledge, skills and experience the term encompasses take many a lifetime to acquire.
When I arrived aboard my first ship a little over forty years ago, the ships that made up the world’s merchant fleets, the technologies employed on board and the regulations that governed the industry, and indeed the seafarers themselves, bore little in common with today. However, despite all the technologies that connect ship and shore and keep communications links open at all times, the fact remains that, once a ship puts to sea, it is primarily dependent upon the actions of the master and crew to safely and efficiently execute the voyage, bringing profit to the owner whilst making sure all aboard return safe and well on completion. All must depend on each other, in a variety of circumstances; the ability to perform the broad range of tasks required safely and efficiently, whilst being fully aware of the associated hazards and mitigating measures, is in the broadest sense ‘seamanship’.
The technological advances seen today have led to the launching of more and more specialist ships, all requiring equally specialist knowledge to operate them. There is a danger that the rate of technological advance outpaces the ability of the industry to train competent mariners to operate the increasingly complex ships on which they serve. The need for continued professional development for mariners is inarguable, but this can be difficult to achieve when many ships cannot provide access to the online references enjoyed by most other industries, a problem that has yet to be universally solved. That said, traditional knowledge and skills are still required as it is a stark fact that mooring accidents, lifeboat launching and enclosed space entry continue to kill and injure the unwary, as they have for many decades.
The inclusion in this book of significant incidents in sufficient detail to allow the reader to extract and apply the learning is so valuable as, without doubt, poor decisions and behaviours contribute to far too many accidents at sea. This book provides a solid foundation of knowledge to all those operating, managing and manning today’s merchant fleet. I hope that 21st Century Seamanship will be a reference that is ready to hand on every ship and in every shipping company reference library.
Captain David Cotterell, Executive Director, OCIMF
Title: 21st Century Seamanship
Number of Volumes: 1
Edition: First
Number of Pages: 1300
Product Code: WS1467K
ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-1-85609-632-4 (9781856096324), ISBN 10: 1-85609-632-7 (1856096327)
Published Date: August 2015
Binding Format: Paperback
Book Height: 235 mm
Book Width: 160 mm
Book Spine: 50 mm
Weight: 2.40 kg
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